EcoVillage Low Impact Sustainable Development Agency

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Here is where it will all begin - the documentation of the official importing of the protocol's and criteria for Low Impact Sustainable Development (EcoVillage) into the United States that has been established in Wales, UK from the ground up planning permissions that were obtained by the Lammas EcoVillage.  

The Low Impact Sustainable Development Agency will be established to serve as the first community action agency that will import, adapt, and translate the volumes of documentation that the Lammas EcoVillage has made available through their successful efforts.

Our first goal is to solidify partnerships and target appropriate 'place'/land where the agency and training center can establish itself.  We will be having discussions with local land owners and building/planning professionals seeking their endorsement and support of this historical effort.

This blog is being established to document our efforts and process. More coming soon so sign up for our email list to stay updated on the unfolding historical efforts that will lead us all forward into a practical and sustainable world.