EcoVillage Low Impact Sustainable Development Agency

L.I.S.D - Low Impact Sustainable Development

What is Low Impact Sustainable Development - or an EcoVillage?

Our agency will be working with the criteria and protocol that has been established in Wales (UK) which is being called One Planet Development.

This page will list information and resources on the history and current stages of implementation as well as videos about the Lammas EcoVillage project that pioneered this movement by successfully getting planning approval after years of hard work and dedication.

The criteria will be adapted to the United States regional/local needs - but having a precedent and starting structure will make the process so much easier than starting from scratch.
Planning Policy Wales and Technical Advice Note (TAN) 6 Planning for Sustainable Rural Communities are the sources of policy for One Planet Development in the open countryside. This guidance is a companion to TAN 6, covering all the requirements for a planning application for One Planet Development. It focuses on the Management Plan that must accompany all OnePlanet Development planning applications and the Ecological Footprint Analysis (EFA) that sits alongside the Management Plan. "The planning system has a key role to play in supporting the delivery of sustainable rural communities. It can help to ensure that appropriate development takes place in the right place at the right time by making sufficient land available to provide homes and employment opportunities for local people, helping to sustain rural services. Simultaneously, the planning system must respond to the challenges posed by climate change, for example by accommodating the need for renewable energy generation. It must also protect and enhance the natural and historic environment and safeguard the countryside and open spaces..."

More coming soon...